Add support for space & tab in concat delimiter
jondavis9898 opened this issue · 5 comments
SFDC appears to "trim" leading/trailing whitespace on text fields. When inputting "; " or " ; " in concat delim, the data stored in the record itself does not contain the leading/trailing whitespace. Anonymous APEX results in the same behavior. For this reason, specific tokens are required to be added to support leading & trailing whitespace in the concat delimiter.
Use Case - For a semi-colon delimited list of values, need to be able to separate the values with a space after the semi-colon to make the list easier to read.
If anyone is aware of a way to avoid the whitespace being trimmed prior to record insert/update, I'd love to hear it! :)
Proposal is to add SP() and TB() tokens to provide for single space and tab character in delimiter.
I want this feature too. I would definitely want the ability to have a space after a semicolon or comma.
Fixed in v2.2.
Hi folks. I just installed DLRS and it's awesome! However, I tried using ", " as a delimiter and I noticed that the trailing space is getting removed. Is there a special format I need to enter to add a space at the end of the comma?
More details: when I enter ", " and save it and go back to edit the field, it refreshes with ","
Thanks! Much appreciated!
Have you tried ",SP()" ?
Perfecto, my man! Thanks.
Tip, for future readers, you don't need the quotations marks in your Concatenate Delimiter field. @afawcett gave us that to specify what we needed. Pretty sure you'll figure that one out on your own. Thanks again, Andrew!