
Dead or Alive?

SCKelemen opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Is this project still maintained? Although there are several passing pull request, there has not been a commit in 9 months.

afex commented

hi. i've done a poor job of maintaining the project recently, but it is alive and in use in production environments. i'll try and allocate some time to catch up on PRs. thanks.

can we support you? So we cross check PRs?

So what is the state of this repository? How can we help you @afex ? I really like this tool. It served us very well so far. I can second that is in production use. However the ever crowing number of outstanding PRs (our: #62) is concerning. We even had to rebase our PR to use it.

@afex ping? maybe give some of the interested ppl (on PR's section) a commiter access