
Python script that runs a Snake game and tries to resolve it through NN & genetic algorithm

Primary LanguagePython


Python script that runs a Snake game and tries to resolve it through NN & genetic algorithm:

  • Each generation generates a number of snakes (300, 500, etc)
  • The 10 best are selected to be replicated for the next generation
  • Mutations can occur whenever during the generation of a snake: every new weight has a change to mutate.

These parameters can be changed at the top of the script.

How to play ?

To start from generation 0 (first occurrence):

> python3 snake_ia_no_interface.py

To start at generation N :

requires to have generated the (N-1)th generation in the same folder (GENERATION[N-1].json)

> python3 snake_ia_no_interface.py N

Example: Generating from the 10th generation from the GENERATION9.json:

> python3 snake_ia_no_interface.py 10

To play with a specific snake :

> python focus_snake.py <id_generation> <id_snake>

Example: To only play with snake 234 from the 10th generation:

> python focus_snake.py 10 234


To generate statistics about the generations (best snake, average score, eaten apples, ...) :

> python analyze_GENERATIONS.py