
IMDb and Trakt Buttons not working

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๐Ÿ“ Description

I've installed the latest version of Rust and ran cargo run on the main branch of Discrakt. Everything is working fine regarding the app itself and rich presence, but the IMDb and Trakt buttons are not doing anything when you click on them in Discord.

๐Ÿชœ Steps To Reproduce

  1. Install Rust
  2. Open Terminal in Discrakt directory
  3. Run cargo run
  4. Play an episode of a show or a movie
  5. Click on IMDb or Trakt buttons on Discord Rich Presence

โ„น System Info

Windows 10 x64 (v2006)

๐Ÿ“ธ Screenshots

No response

Yep, I am actually aware of this issue, but I'm almost certain that this is Discord's fault because I've had it working on other OSs.

Oh okay, so this is an error specific to the Windows ecosystem then?

I would say so, yes, but I must admit, I haven't tried to reproduce it lately. I might pick this project up again for a new round of new features.

This is a bug on the Discord side. Buttons do work; you just cannot click them on the same client where the RPC is being received.

It seems that, as of now, I can now click links of my own buttons. @GH0STDATA can you confirm this?