
Snackbars are always empty

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Looking at the demo of snackbars they always seem empty:

Digging a bit deeper, I am pretty sure that a nameclash during the refactoring process is responsible:

message vs messages

{-| Snackbar view function
snackbar : (Msg msg -> msg) -> Config msg -> Queue msg -> Html msg
snackbar lift ((Config { additionalAttributes }) as config_) ((Queue { messages }) as queue) =
    Html.node "mdc-snackbar"
        (List.filterMap identity
            [ rootCs
            , closeOnEscapeProp config_
            , leadingCs message
            , stackedCs message
            , messageIdProp queue
            , timeoutMsProp message
            , closedHandler lift
            ++ additionalAttributes
        [ surfaceElt message ]

Where message is the function that emits a default message.

Hi @JDemler, thank you for reporting this!