
I have researched from google but can not fix. is it package's error ?. pleas help me. Error in $client->getCertificate($order)); function

Closed this issue · 1 comments

class TestAcme2Controller extends ZControlCmd

public function file_force_contents( $fullPath, $contents, $flags = 0 ){
    $parts = explode( '/', $fullPath );
    array_pop( $parts );
    $dir = implode( '/', $parts );

    if( !is_dir( $dir ) )
        mkdir( $dir, 0777, true );

    file_put_contents( $fullPath, $contents, $flags );

public function actionRun()
    //Prepare flysystem
    $adapter = new Local('data');

    $filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);

    //Construct the client
    $client = new Client([
        'username' => '',
        'fs'       => $filesystem,
        'mode'     => Client::MODE_STAGING,

    $order = $client->createOrder(['']);

    $authorizations = $client->authorize($order);

    foreach ($authorizations as $authorization) {
        $file = $authorization->getFile();
        file_put_contents($file->getFilename(), $file->getContents());

        $this->file_force_contents( Root.'/execut/web/eyuf/.well-known/acme-challenge/'.$file->getFilename(), $file->getContents(), LOCK_EX );


    if (!$client->selfTest($authorization, Client::VALIDATION_HTTP)) {
        throw new \Exception('Count not verify ownership via HTTP');

    foreach ($authorizations as $authorization) {
        $client->validate($authorization->getHttpChallenge(), 15);

    if ($client->isReady($order)) {
        $certificate = $client->getCertificate($order);  //error here

        file_put_contents('certificate.cert', $certificate->getCertificate());
        $this->file_force_contents( Root.'/execut/web/eyuf/.well-known/acme-challenge/private.key', $certificate->getPrivateKey(), LOCK_EX );



Exception 'GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException' with message 'Client error: POST resulted in a 400 Bad Request response:
"type": "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed",
"detail": "Error parsing certificate request: asn1: syntax error: (truncated...)

@JobirYusupov closing this as it is a duplicate of #8. Please do not crosspost.