
None of the circuit designs will work with an external +5V power source (as of version 1.1.2)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

All circuit designs takes GPIO #11 for GND, which is a mistake.
As a result, none of the circuits will work with an external +5V power source.

There is another related mistake: a capacitor is missing between GND and 5V (or maybe 3V3). This is required due to a current peak when turning radios on, which causes a reboot.

To Reproduce

This is a hardware design issue. Firmware is not affected.

Expected behavior

The board should boot up when powered from an external +5V power source.

DevKit board:

  • Manufacturer: Unknown, probably an Expressif's clone.
  • Model: ESP32-DevKitC-32UE
  • Revision (if any): Version 4

Additional context

A misleading printed tag in the devkit board led to this hardware bug.
Project version: 1.1.2

Appart from the misleading tag, from my early tests, I belive the problem is caused by poor grounding at the devkit board.
It seem to work when using a common ground rail. This is, all three GND pins must be wired together along with the GND or (-) terminal at the power source. This applies both to +5V and 3.3V power sources.

The capacitor does not seem to be needed at all. I tried a 1000 uF capacitor (large enough) and it does not solve the issue by itself. However, it is not discarded. Some sources points to two 470 uF electrolitic capacitors. One between 5V and GND, and another between 3V3 and GND.

Before this issue was known, I tested the circuits using a 3.3V external power source and they worked just because I chose the correct GND pin just by accident, I belive.

Both the misleading tag and the perpetual reboots are extensively reported by other ESP32 users as can be seen here, for example:

Should be fixed at version 1.1.3