
Issue when OnDetectionFinishedCommand="DetectionFinishedCommand"

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Firstly thank you for some great work done.

When using the recommended OnDetectionFinishedCommand="DetectionFinishedCommand" produces: Error XFC0009 No property, BindableProperty, or event found for "OnDetectionFinishedCommand", or mismatching type between value and property.

Changing the xaml to OnDetectionFinishedCommand="{Binding DetectionFinishedCommand}" removes the Error but the

DetectionFinishedCommand is never executed (may be due to a previous issue reported today)

Also seems it should be done like this:
DetectionFinishedCommand = new Command<BarcodeResult[]>(result =>
if (result.Length > 0)

To avoid misunderstandings: are you using the MVVM toolkit? If so, it should look like this in your XAML:

                           OnDetectionFinishedCommand="{Binding BarcodeScannedCommand}"

... and like this in your VM:

    public async Task BarcodeScanned(BarcodeResult[] results)

Oh I've noticed now that the example in the README is incorrect. Use @Olaf-R example and it should work normally.
If you don't use MVVM toolkit use this example for your Command:

    public ICommand DetectionFinishedCommand { get; set; }
    DetectionFinishedCommand = new Command<BarcodeResult[]>(BarcodeResult[] result) =>
        if (result.Length > 0)

Thank you for the responses.

For reference; I downloaded the project (So no MVVM added) and in the ...Test Project simply removed the event and replaced it with "OnDetectionFinishedCommand="{Binding BarcodeScannedCommand}"

I then added public ICommand DetectionFinishedCommand { get; set; } to the code behind and in the ScanPage ctor added:
(note only changed the ... to {} and closed off with }); Which does not compile)
DetectionFinishedCommand = new Command<BarcodeResult[]>(BarcodeResult[] result) =>
if (result.Length > 0)



I then changed the above to this which does compile:
DetectionFinishedCommand = new Command<BarcodeResult[]>(result =>
if (result.Length > 0)



The command is never executed and when I break at line 377 in CameraView.cs OnDetectionFinishedCommand is null which make me think the above is still not correct? Yeah I noticed the README was incorrect but I believe the init of the DetectionFinishedCommand in the READMe is incorrect too. I will eventually be using ReactveUI as most of my other projects use that but may also give the Community Toolkit MVVM a try.

Just to let you know I changed to CommunityToolkit.Mvvm and the Command Binding now works. Thanks again for the responses.