GraalVM Native Image
mjulianotq opened this issue · 2 comments
Considering the role this application fills, it's an excellent candidate for GraalVM's Native Image. I've given it a try, and it seems that the reliance on reflection of slf4j is causing a bit of a problem. I'm including the output of my attempt below. I want to understand this better myself, so I'll likely either open a pull request if one is needed or write a guide here on this ticket for inclusion wherever it may be appropriate.
Error: Unsupported features in 5 methods
Detailed message:
Error: Discovered unresolved method during parsing: org.slf4j.impl.StaticMDCBinder.getSingleton(). To diagnose the issue you can use the --allow-incomplete-classpath option. The missing method is then reported at run time when it is accessed the first time.
at parsing org.slf4j.MDC.bwCompatibleGetMDCAdapterFromBinder(
Call path from entry point to org.slf4j.MDC.bwCompatibleGetMDCAdapterFromBinder():
no path found from entry point to target method
Error: Discovered unresolved method during parsing: org.slf4j.impl.StaticMarkerBinder.getSingleton(). To diagnose the issue you can use the --allow-incomplete-classpath option. The missing method is then reported at run time when it is accessed the first time.
at parsing org.slf4j.MarkerFactory.bwCompatibleGetMarkerFactoryFromBinder(
Call path from entry point to org.slf4j.MarkerFactory.bwCompatibleGetMarkerFactoryFromBinder():
no path found from entry point to target method
Error: Discovered unresolved type during parsing: org.apache.log4j.Logger. To diagnose the issue you can use the --allow-incomplete-classpath option. The missing type is then reported at run time when it is accessed the first time.
at parsing io.netty.util.internal.logging.Log4JLoggerFactory.newInstance(
Call path from entry point to io.netty.util.internal.logging.Log4JLoggerFactory.newInstance(String):
no path found from entry point to target method
Error: Discovered unresolved type during parsing: org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil. To diagnose the issue you can use the --allow-incomplete-classpath option. The missing type is then reported at run time when it is accessed the first time.
at parsing org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.util.ResolverUtil.loadImplementationsInBundle(
Call path from entry point to org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.util.ResolverUtil.loadImplementationsInBundle(ResolverUtil$Test, String):
no path found from entry point to target method
Error: Discovered unresolved type during parsing: org.slf4j.ext.EventData. To diagnose the issue you can use the --allow-incomplete-classpath option. The missing type is then reported at run time when it is accessed the first time.
at parsing org.apache.logging.slf4j.EventDataConverter.convertEvent(
Call path from entry point to org.apache.logging.slf4j.EventDataConverter.convertEvent(String, Object[], Throwable):
at org.apache.logging.slf4j.EventDataConverter.convertEvent(
at org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLogger.log(
at org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLocationAwareLog.debug(
These pages provide relevant info:
The patch server is a long-running process so the benefits of AOT are not so great (indeed, The GraalVM team reported that AOT is 5-% slower than JIT.)
It would be nice to have for the command line dcmd
operations where start-up is noticeable.
The IT world seems to be moving towards more variety of instruction sets (e.g. ARM servers). Including instructions and template files would help users.