
can't delete anything in the triplestore

bsara opened this issue · 4 comments

bsara commented

I understand that this may be an issue with Fuseki itself. But I figured that I'd start here. I've done lots of googling but can't seem to find the issue anywhere else.

The title says it all. I can't delete any triples from the store.

I have tested this with a stock Fuseki server (I.E. NOT the rdf-delta supplied fuseki server) and I was able to delete records just fine. The only difference between the two instances was the fact that I'm running the rdf-delta version (and the fact that rdf-delta uses the embedded Fuseki rather than the full Fuseki build).

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Upload some data via a POST on the /my-data/data endpoint of the Fuseki server.
  2. Choose some data to delete, then query it to make sure that it's indeed present.
  3. Try to delete the data queried from step 2 using DELETE { ... } WHERE { ... } SPARQL update (you can use a POST with application/sparql-update or multi-part form for the body, neither are working for me).
  4. Run the query you created in step 2.

Result: The data is still present after the second query performed in step 4. Also, an empty patch gets sent to the RDF Delta, I don't believe that the delta server is the issue.


RDF Delta Version: 0.9.2

RDF Delta Config: My RDF Delta server is connected to a zookeeper instance and stores patches in an S3 bucket. I'm running the delta server using dcmd and I'm also using a custom jetty config to make the delta server use SSL.

Command Used to Run Fuseki:

$ dcmd fuseki --config=/my-fuseki-config.ttl --https=/http_config.json --gzip=on --ping --stats --metrics


# my-fuseki-config.ttl

@prefix delta: <> .
@prefix fuseki: <> .
@prefix ja: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix tdb2: <> .

[] rdf:type fuseki:Server ;
  fuseki:services (

<#myDataService> a fuseki:Service ;
  fuseki:name "my-data" ;
  fuseki:dataset <#deltaDataset> ;
  fuseki:endpoint [ fuseki: operation fuseki:query; ] ;
  fuseki:endpoint [ fuseki:operation fuseki:query; fuseki:name "query" ] ;
  fuseki:endpoint [ fuseki:operation fuseki:update; ] ;
  fuseki:endpoint [ fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp_r; ] ;
  fuseki:endpoint [ fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp_rw; fuseki:name "data"; ] ;

<#deltaDataset> rdf:type delta:DeltaDataset ;
  delta:patchlog "my-service" ;
  delta:zone "my-service-zone" ;
  delta:dataset <#inferredDataset> ;
  delta:changes "https://localhost:1063" ;

<#inferredDataset> a ja:RDFDataset ;
  ja:defaultGraph <#inferenceModel> ;

<#inferenceModel> a ja:InfModel ;
  ja:baseModel <#tdbGraph> ;
  ja:reasoner [
    ja:reasonerURL <>
  ] ;

<#tdbGraph> a tdb2:GraphTDB2 ;
  tdb2:location "/fuseki/databases/my-data" ;
afs commented

Hi there - this is a complex setup.

If it's easier, running test with a single server, file-backed storage should be OK, at least to get us to the same point, as it does not look like it is dependent on the patch server storage.

I have tried adding and deleting a triple with DATA with a single server, file-backed storage:

s-query --service 'http://localhost:3030/ds' --output=text 'PREFIX : <http://example/> SELECT * { ?s ?p :o }'
# Empty
s-update --service 'http://localhost:3030/ds 'PREFIX : <http://example/> DELETE DATA { :s :p :o }'

s-query --service 'http://localhost:3030/ds' --output=text 'PREFIX : <http://example/> SELECT * { ?s ?p :o }'
# Triple

s-update --service 'http://localhost:3030/ds' 'PREFIX : <http://example/> DELETE DATA { :s :p :o }'

s-query --service 'http://localhost:3030/ds' --output=text 'PREFIX : <http://example/> SELECT * { ?s ?p :o }'
# Empty

and it seemed to work.

This shows inference was happening:

s-query --service 'http://localhost:3030/ds' --output=text 'PREFIX : <http://example/> SELECT * { ?s ?p :o }'

Could you try without the inference layer?

bsara commented

Ok I've done more digging and found that I can delete, but only if some other triples are deleted first, I'm not sure which though at the moment.

bsara commented

wow, now I feel pretty stupid. I was using the wrong namespace to delete things. it's all working fine. sorry to trouble you.

afs commented

Not all wasted! There ought to be a inference test case in the test suite. I can take my local setup for this testing as a basis.

Deleting is made more complicated when triples can reappear due to inference rules!