
How to get the hand landmarks?

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@afsaredrisy Hi. It's a nice work. I have tried to run your code with Bitmap image successfully. However, I have a problem in obtaining the hand landmarks. Could you please let's me know how could a obtain the hand landmarks if you have tried? Thank you very much.


Add this callback to the processor to get landmarks. On my custom graph, this only runs when the graph actually passes the output landmark stream as specified by OUTPUT_LANDMARKS_STREAM_NAME

      (packet) -> {
        Log.d(TAG, "PACKET CALLBACK");
        byte[] landmarksRaw = PacketGetter.getProtoBytes(packet);
        try {
          NormalizedLandmarkList landmarks = NormalizedLandmarkList.parseFrom(landmarksRaw);
          if (landmarks == null) {
            Log.d(TAG, "[TS:" + packet.getTimestamp() + "] No landmarks.");
        } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
          Log.e(TAG, "Couldn't Exception received - " + e);