
Warnings in log with device list

OneCreek opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
Periodic warning in log about devicelist.

To Reproduce
no problem with adapter 1.1.14. Now ioBroker Docker update and Adapter update and new Instance setup.

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots & Logfiles
fb-checkpresence.0 2022-06-21 ... warn devicelist: {"List":{"Item":[{"Index":"1","IPAddress":"","MACAddress":"B6:::::","Active":"0","HostName":"Blabla","InterfaceType":"","X_AVM-DE_Port":"0","X_AVM-DE_Speed":"0","X_AVM-DE_UpdateAvailable":"0","X_AVM-DE_UpdateSuccessful":"unknown","X_AVM-DE_InfoURL":"","X_AVM-DE_Model":"","X_AVM-DE_URL":"","X_AVM-DE_Guest":"0","X_AVM-DE_VPN":"0","X_AVM-DE_WANAccess":"error","X_AVM-DE_Disallow":"0"},
und das für alle Index
Die warning passiert ungeführ jede Minute...


  • Adapter version: v1.1.17
  • JS-Controller version: 4.0.23
  • Node version: v16.15.1
  • NPM 8.11.0
  • Operating system: Raspberry buanet/iobroker:beta

Additional context
no problem with adapter 1.1.14. Now ioBroker Docker update and Adapter update and new Instance setup.

Do you have the version from Github installed?

yes. Downloaded yesterday after many issues in the log after ioBroker update.

Please install from the official repositories. Github is only for testing or debuging.

Ok, actually after resetting everything and using the latest official one, no issues so far. Thanks and sorry for raising this issue.