• A Car Servicing Website Built with NextJs, Typesctipt, Tailwind, ANT and RTK Query.

  • Website live link: https://assignment-frontend-xi.vercel.app/

  • Server : https://internet-service-provider-backend.vercel.app

  • Super Admin Credential : sajeebbhuiyan16@gmail.com Password : 123456

  • Admin Credential: afzalbhuiyan16@gmail.com, Password : 123456

  • Project Description Your web application, the Car Servicing Booking Platform, is a comprehensive solution for users seeking to access the car services. The project is dedicated to simplifying the process of acquiring essential services, such as car service, broadband, Wi-Fi, TV boxes, and more. Key features of the platform include:

  • User Registration: Users can register on the platform, providing necessary details such as full name, contact information and email address..

  • Service Selection: Users can conveniently browse and select from various service packages tailored to meet their specific service needs.

  • Shopping Cart: The platform includes a shopping cart feature, allowing users to assemble their desired services before finalizing their bookings.

  • Booking Management: Users can manage their bookings, making adjustments and updates as necessary, with a smooth and intuitive interface.

  • Authentication and User Profiles: The project provides user authentication and profile management, including the ability for users to access and view their registered email address.

  • Technology Used (Front-End:) ==== NextJs, Typescript, TailwindCss, ANT Design, React Hook Form

  • (Back-End:) ==== ExpressJs, Prisma

  • (State-Management:) ==== RTK Query

  • (Database:) ==== Postgres

  • Deployment Front-ENd and Backend Deploy into Vercel