
"Visit support page" does nothing on Android 11

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug

When I touch the button "Visit support page" nothing happens.

How to reproduce

  1. Go to the about page
  2. touch the button "Visit support page"

Expected behavior

Browser opening whatever page you want it to open.

Information about your build

Pixel Wheels version:

Binary origin:


  • [x ] Android
  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

OS version: 11

Optional information

The button works on Linux.

Odd, I can't reproduce this. I assume you have a web browser installed on your device?

Can you go to Settings → Under the hood → Report bug? This will generate a bug report with a log file, maybe that will help understand the bug. It also helps if you can get an extract of the adb logcat.

As soon as I can.

Yes, I use Firefox.

Excerpt from logcat:

01-12 18:47:13.875 19983 22525 I PlatformUtils.openURI: 17:47:13.875 failed
01-12 18:47:13.875 19983 22525 E PlatformUtils.openURI: 17:47:13.875 Don't know how to open url on this OS

The requested log:

Android-Version: 11
Kernel-Version: 4.9.332-perf+

Sorry for the late reply, I am going to have to dive deeper on this, as I don't understand how it can happen.

If you have an application which contains links, is it able to correctly open Firefox when you click on one of them?

Yes, it works.