
Split-Screen Multiplayer

Closed this issue · 8 comments

The current implementation, where the camera is constantly zooming in and out as the two players get closer or farther from each other, is extremely disorienting and impossible to play. I've tested this with a few friends and they all agree, split-screen would definitely be better.

I hope it won't be too great of an architectural change??

Hi Hendursaga,

Pixel Wheels used to have a split-mode, but it was difficult to play because unlike a 3d game like Mario Kart, players could not see very far away when going in the left or right direction. Maybe the zoom needs to be tweaked to be less violent 🤔. I think the real solution would be to implement network play, but I am a bit afraid of opening this Pandora box...

unlike a 3d game like Mario Kart, players could not see very far away when going in the left or right direction.

I suppose that would be a concern on a small screen, but what's preventing you from having both split screen AND (less violent) zooming?

The problem is: the game would have to zoom out a lot (not necessarily violently) to get the same depth of view, and then the vehicles end up being very small :/

Hmmm? You mean you would HAVE to have the exact same zoom factor for all players?

No, that's not what I meant. Let's say that at a given speed, the player must be able to see N tiles in front of them for the game to remain playable. When the view is half or a quarter of the screen, being able to see N tiles is going to require zooming out a lot more.

OK, that makes sense! I was thinking of playing it split-screen on a very large TV monitor, so I don't think it should be a problem, but I understand if you'd want to go other routes, like networking.

For info: I changed my mind on this (see, and it's mostly done now :)

It's actually done now 😉