
No error message is shown on the race screen after setting 'Keyboard' as 'Controls' without having the keyboard

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Describe the bug

No error message is shown on the race screen after setting 'Keyboard' as 'Controls' without having the keyboard.

How to reproduce

  1. Open 'Pixel Wheels' game
  2. Tap the 'Settings' option.
  3. Tap the 'Controls' tab.
  4. Change the 'Controls' setting to the 'Keyboard' option with arrow buttons.
  5. Tap the bottom left arrow button.
  6. Tap the 'Quick Race' option.
  7. Pay attention to the lack of error message.

Expected behavior

The error message 'Some keyboards are missing, Player #1: Missing' is shown on the race screen after setting 'Keyboard' as 'Controls' without having the keyboard.

Information about your build

Pixel Wheels version: 0.42.2

Binary origin:


  • Android
  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

OS version: Android 11 RP1A.200720.011
Device: Xiaomi Redmi 9 M2004J19AG