
No game icon is shown on the Windows taskbar after opening the game

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug

No game icon is shown on the Windows taskbar after opening the game.

How to reproduce

  1. Open 'Pixel Wheels' game
  2. Pay attention to the icon on the Windows taskbar.

Expected behavior

The game icon is shown on the Windows taskbar after opening the game.

Information about your build

Pixel Wheels version: 0.42.2

Binary origin:


  • Android
  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

OS version: Windows 10 x64

Optional information



Hi, I finally took the time to reboot on my Windows partition to try it out and... it works for me 😕:


Is the icon always missing for you or is it an once-in-a-while bug?

Hi, I finally took the time to reboot on my Windows partition to try it out and... it works for me 😕:


Is the icon always missing for you or is it an once-in-a-while bug?

I'm sorry but I'm unable to reproduce this bug right now. I always try the same bug few times to be sure but I guess that was some kind of Windows thing.

OK, closing it for now, then. Feel free to reopen if you can reproduce again!