
The rocket weapon on the vehicles is shown on top of the race map elements

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Describe the bug

The rocket weapon on the vehicles is shown on top of the race map elements.

How to reproduce

  1. Open 'Pixel Wheels' game
  2. Click on the 'One Player' option.
  3. Click on the 'Quick Race' option.
  4. Click on the specific track (list below).
  5. Click on the first vehicle.
  6. Start the race and get the rocket from the crate.
  7. Drive to the specific place on the map (list below).
  8. Pay attention to the placement of the rocket on the vehicle.


  1. 'Welcome!' track: Footbridge over the road (screenshot 1).
  2. 'River' track: Side of the bridge (screenshot 2).
  3. 'Up, up, up... and down!' track: Clusters of trees (screenshot 3).
  4. 'Tiny sur Mer' track: Single hut on the sand island (screenshot 4).

Expected behavior

The rocket weapon on the vehicles is shown under the race map elements.

Information about your build

Pixel Wheels version: 0.42.2

Binary origin:


  • Android
  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

OS version: Windows 10 x64

Optional information

