

Closed this issue · 5 comments

List of speakers and topics.

The list from the US meeting is here:


  • Margaret Sheil (QUT), opening talk
  • Brian Nosek (Virginia), reproducibility
  • Adrian Barnett (QUT), statistics
  • Kypros Kypri (Newcastle), integrity
  • Paul Glasziou (Bond), research waste
  • Cynthia Kroeger (Sydney), p-hacking?
  • Michael Breakspear (QIMR), reproducibility
  • Jennifer Byrne (Sydney), automated error detection
  • Ginny Barbour (QUT), open access
  • Sabine Bratt (Melbourne) Differences in practice between industry and research
  • Glenn Begley (Melbourne), reproducibility
  • Philip Clarke (Oxford), need for randomised trials
  • Paulina Stehlik (Bond), doctors and research incentives
  • Julie R. McMullen (Baker) Enhancing Reproducibility: Initiatives and Practical Tools
  • John Coveney (Flinders) facilitate the afternoon discussion
  • Someone from NHMRC as an attendee (not speaking)

Not available:

  • Karen Lamb (Melbourne) Public mistrust in statistics and research
  • Tammy Hoffmann (Bond), using checklists
  • Quinn Grundy (Sydney), spin
  • Fiona Fidler (Melbourne)
  • Adam Dunn (Macquarie), conflicts of interest
  • Shinichi Nakagawa (UNSW)


  • Hilda Bastian
  • Someone to speak on the James Lind Alliance (; want to be kept in loop - nothing definite yet)

Not yet approached:

  • Research integrity officer
  • Someone from government (contact from Susan Hawes or John Byron?)
  • Someone from ARC
  • Thomas Shafee, La Trobe, Wikipedia journal and Open Access
  • Geoff Cumming (La Trobe), stats
  • Enrico Coiera (Macquarie), automation
VBOz commented

Hi Adrian - I can definitely do.
One other person you might want to consider is
DR Fiona Fidler - I met her at an OA week event last week.

Is there room to consider one more speaker, Julie McMullen from the Baker? [] Following my event invitation email to their director (Thomas Marwick), I got the following response back from Julie:

Dear Suzanne,
Thank you for making us aware of this meeting.
I would be happy to attend on behalf of the Baker.
I have led a number of activities at the Baker to improve the quality of pre-clinical research and would be happy to share our own experiences.
I have also organised a number of sessions on this topic at conferences (details below). I would also be happy to speak to any of these.

International Society for Heart Research meeting 2018
I organised & chaired a session on: “Improving the quality and translation of pre‐clinical and clinical research”. Topics covered: i) Understanding the P-value & using the correct statistical test, ii) Practical tools to aid experimental design of preclinical studies: randomisation, blinding & sample size determination, iii) Standardising pre-clinical research skills training: Lessons from mouse echocardiography, iv) Using correct controls: animal models & antibodies, v) Challenges-Preclinical studies in small & large animal models and the next step to clinical trials, vi) Why do clinical trials fail?

American Heart Association Sessions 2018
“Enhancing Reproducibility: Initiatives and Practical Tools”.
Topics covered: i) Reproducibility: What is it and is There a "Crisis"?, ii) Why Reproducibility Issues Occur, iii) What Funding Agencies Are Doing To Improve Reproducibility, iv) What Funding Agencies Are Doing To Improve Reproducibility, v) Statistical Considerations to Enhance Reproducibility, vi) How Industry is Addressing Reproducibility, vii) What Journals Can Do To Improve Reproducibility

A/Prof Julie R. McMullen | Head, Cardiac Hypertrophy Laboratory & Domain Head, Basic Science
NHMRC Senior Research Fellow
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute
75 Commercial Road, Melbourne VIC 3004 Australia
Telephone +61 3 8532 1194

Julie's work looks interesting and we can offer her a 15 minute slot. The topics in her American Heart Association talk look more appropriate as they are broader, which should suit this audience.

Thanks, I'll let her know.

I am closing this because the speakers are now finalised.