
_/=_ generates incorrect `iEq…`

naucke opened this issue · 1 comments

not0 : Int  Bool
not0 n = n /= 0
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS not0 #-}


import qualified Prelude ((/=))

not0 :: Int -> Bool
not0 n = (Prelude./=) iEqInt n 0

where iEqInt is an instance from our Haskell.Prim.Eq, not a Haskell function, and, importing Prelude qualifiedly breaks all mentions to it (such as Int and Bool from that generated snippet)

The problem here is that the definition of the Eq record in the Haskell.Prelude is wrong: the _/=_ should be defined either as a field or as a standalone function, but here it is defined as a function nested in a record type.

Normally we have a check that forbids such functions, but here we use an existing-class pragma which circumvents that check. Ideally we should also throw an error when compiling a record to a (new or existing) class and that record type has functions in its body, but for now we can just fix the immediate error in the Haskell.Prelude.