
Question about "createDocumentFromSource" method

Closed this issue · 1 comments

wiser commented


I use your (great...) library in a nodeJS module.
My goal is to create a new document from an already existing one (and I have to keep the source content).
So I use the "createDocumentFromSource" and it seems I have to give a parameter (the 3rd) with some content...
First, I try with null, empty and undefined keyword, but I got an error.
So I try with an empty string, so I don't get an error, but the created document has an empty source (ok, logical...).
So my question is, how can I manage to keep the original content of the source document ?
Of course, I can get the content of the source document and put it in 3rd parameter but it's not very pretty because of the "goings and comings" on network...
Weird thing : If I use the library outside of nodeJs, it seems that I can omit the 3rd parameter then it works as wished...

Thx in advance for your job and your help.

agea commented

Thank you for closing your issues (and for fixing my bugs)