This tools is a cli program that help starting a project.
yarn add
npm install -s
add in your folder a config file .figmadeliom.json with Figma data :
"figma_personal_token": "111111-a1a11a11-1a11-1111-1111-aaaa111a1111",
"figma_file_key": "A1A1AAAaa1aAaaaaaAaAa1"
To get a personal token connect go to Account Settings in Figma App. And create a token in "Personal access tokens" section. /!\ You need to fill the input and hit "Enter".
To get you file key, visit project via a browser and copy key from url. If you use the Desktop App, you can right click on tab to get the link.
Other parameters are available.
"figma_personal_token": "",
"figma_file_key": "",
"figma_api_url": "",
"node_ids": {
"icons": "2%3A200",
"colors": "2%3A359",
"fonts": "796%3A32",
"typography": "715%3A929"
"outputIconsDir": "./out/icons",
"outputIconsKeepFolder": false,
"outputSassFile": "./out/sass/_variables.scss",
"outputHeadingFile": "./out/sass/_heading.scss",
"outputTextsFile": "./out/sass/_texts.scss"
$ npx figmadeliom icons
This command will downloadicons as svg from Figma project base in folder defined in outputIconsDir
$ npx figmadeliom sass
This command will generate a sass file with colors and gradients from Figma project
Do not add colors
Do not add fonts
-h, --help
display help for command
$ npx figmadeliom typo
This command will generate a sass file for heading and texts from Figma project outputHeadingFile
and outputTextsFile
--no-texts Do not create texts file
--no-heading Do not create heading file
-h, --help display help for command