
The future of this project?

ronenteva opened this issue · 5 comments

Almost 2 years since the last commit, and high severity issues that are waiting to be merged for more than a year [#112]

Can anyone of the original contributors please tell us if they see a future for this project?

Hi @ronenteva, I created agendash2 it is written in vue, and since last month is officially part of the agenda project, it has a couple of new features, bug fixes, and mobile/responsive view.

Check it out here

Hey @santiq, I'm a big fan of your work!
That's really good news! I actually suggested adding agendash2 a few months ago agenda/agenda#1101.

I tried using Agendash2 but different bugs made me feel it's not ready for production use yet.
Now that I hear it's the official successor of agendash, I'll give it another go and report the issues.

Thanks, please open issues with the bugs you found on the agendash2, I'll try to fix them

Hi @ronenteva, I created agendash2 it is written in vue, and since last month is officially part of the agenda project, it has a couple of new features, bug fixes, and mobile/responsive view.

Check it out here

I think correct link is

I see the link to correct repo has been updated in README.
It would be nice if someone can add depreciated note in this repo's README also with new repo link..

Thanks for great work.