
Model Meta-Interface

Primary LanguagePython

☢️ This is a frozen, unfinished, experimental project. Use at your own risk ☢️
(maybe do yourself a favor and just don't 😅)

🡆 Use llm by Simon Willison instead

MMI: Model Meta-Interface

MMI, the Model Meta-Interface, is a concept prototype for an application that acts as a universal controller for multiple LLMs.

Written in Dec '23 ~ Jan '24, mostly.
Now deprecated.

It's very lacking, and only has max_tokens exposed in the GUI.
Some of the code is ugly, hasn't been cleaned, etc.
It's a mess because I didn't have much of a plan. Just glued things together naively, quickly.


  • Requires Qt (tested on Debian 12 + KDE).
  • Requires API keys for OpenAI and Anthropic.
  • I haven't built requirements.txt. You'll have to inspect files to see what's what (main.py, prompt.py, history.py, and files in gen/).
  • If you want to use Mixtral, it requires a manual download to be placed in mod/Mixtral. For instance:


It's not exactly straightforward, there are two major steps prior to launch: add your API keys, and edit the bash script with your preferred Python path.


  • Clone this repo, cd into it.
  • Edit launch.sh to set your own Python path (mine is miniconda3).
  • If you need Mixtral, make sure you have downloaded mod/Mixtral/qmodel.pt (see "Requirements" above)
  • Create a file named .env in the root folder.
  • Edit it and add your API keys for OpenAI and Anthropic:


  • Launch GUI with launch.sh (or alternatively python main.py).
  • Outputs are streamed to stdout (if started with launch.sh)
  • Conversations are saved as plain text files (see notes below). No db.
  • Re-launch for each new message.
  • Re-select a conversation to continue it. (top-left dropdown menu)
    • The system prompt will automatically refresh.
  • To create a new conversation, type its name in the top-right text field (it takes precedence over the dropdown menu to the left).

How it works

  • MMI lets you run linear conversations with multiple LLMs, each new message sending the whole history to keep context.
  • Conversations are stored in history/context/CONVERSATION_NAME/…
    • conv.json contains the entire conversation.
    • One individual .md files per message.
      • you may browse them using MKDocs or equivalent.
      • odd-numbered files are user messages; even-numbered are LLM outputs.
  • When creating a new conversation, you may select an existing one first to retrieve its system prompt, then enter a new name.
  • Editing .md files does NOT affect conversations (it's a one-way dump to disk). You want to edit conv.json to alter MMI's flow.
  • stdout.md should self-explanatorily contain the last output (easy to monitor just that and keep the conversation running).
  • system prompt is a bit finicky, avoid changing during a conversation.
  • for convenience upon opening it, it will paste your clipboard content in the message text field.


Lots of missing features:

  • No threading/parallel mode to compare LLM outputs.
  • No easy way to edit conversations

For now, there is no "agency" to speak of, only the usual APIs: OpenAI, Anthropic. Optionally, it can run Mixtral 7x8B on a 24 GB GPU using HQQ.

parting words

This project will likely not evolve anymore, as I've discovered Simon Willison's llm since and I'd rather build upon his brilliant project than waste time & energy redoing it worse.

I'm putting it here merely for reference (and lol later) and to test my git tags/release scripts. I've since learned much more about what already exists in the LLM tooling space, what needs to be done to improve such tools (and which should be custom-made). I have a much tighter vision to execute now. This also was initially a fun experiment to make a super basic Qt app; it should have been a pure CLI app otherwise.