
Wrong `Functions defined` in Java project

defool opened this issue · 9 comments

qq 20150115154517

Should we need a --language option to deal with different languages' syntax?

@defool Languages are automatically detected and handled by the Exuberant ctags command-line utility. If the "defined functions" are wrong, then it's most likely to be your ctags program's fault. What version of ctags are you using? Better provide a minimal Java code example so that I can try out on my side.

@agentzh I use the latest version of ctags in Ubuntu14.04. The problem is that the meanings of kinds may be different in different language defined by ctags. For instance, f' means function inCbut means fields injava.ctags --list-kinds` will list all meanings of kinds of different language.

So I'm not sure whether it's necessary to use --language option (or auto detect) to deal with different languages' syntax.

@defool I see. Yeah, it seems that we have to parse the ctags --list-kinds=LANG output every time we see a new language name, or just parse the output of ctags --list-kinds=all at the beginning.

Will you contribute a patch in a pull request?


@agentzh Yes. I thank the references, like macro_by_files, should not be pre-defined. Instead, every kinds of references in ctags --list-kinds=all should be dynamic generated(and listed in html page) according to the kinds generated by ctags.
What the bad is that I have to learn perl programming before I do this :)

@defool No, listing all the "kinds" at the HTML page head is too overwhelming, especially for "fields" and "local variables", which is just not so interesting. I prefer only listing the most important kinds.

@agentzh The kind of reference can be turned off in ctags if you don't want to show it in the HTML page. Please review my pull request.
I am a beginner in github. Any suggestions are always welcome.

Hi,agentzh,i like reading,but i encounter the problem in the using the tool.

Specific error:
/Applications/ illegal option -- -
usage: ctags [-BFadtuwvx] [-f tagsfile] file ...
processing "." with ctags...
/Applications/ illegal option -- -
usage: ctags [-BFadtuwvx] [-f tagsfile] file ...
failed to run command "ctags --exclude='.html' --exclude='.htm' -f ./src2html.tags -n -u --fields=kl -R '.'": 256

I don't know how to solve the problem ^ . ^

@ryderkun That seems to be the problem in ctags. Try to upgrade ctags to the latest version.

@defool I give up using the ctags of Xcode and i install the ctags by homebrew,success, thank you very much...@agentzh thx