Wrong `Functions defined` in Java project
defool opened this issue · 9 comments
@defool Languages are automatically detected and handled by the Exuberant ctags
command-line utility. If the "defined functions" are wrong, then it's most likely to be your ctags
program's fault. What version of ctags
are you using? Better provide a minimal Java code example so that I can try out on my side.
@agentzh I use the latest version of ctags
in Ubuntu14.04. The problem is that the meanings of kinds
may be different in different language defined by ctags
. For instance, f' means function in
Cbut means fields in
ctags --list-kinds` will list all meanings of kinds of different language.
So I'm not sure whether it's necessary to use --language
option (or auto detect) to deal with different languages' syntax.
@defool I see. Yeah, it seems that we have to parse the ctags --list-kinds=LANG
output every time we see a new language name, or just parse the output of ctags --list-kinds=all
at the beginning.
Will you contribute a patch in a pull request?
@agentzh Yes. I thank the references, like macro_by_files
, should not be pre-defined. Instead, every kinds of references in ctags --list-kinds=all
should be dynamic generated(and listed in html page) according to the kinds generated by ctags
What the bad is that I have to learn perl programming before I do this :)
@defool No, listing all the "kinds" at the HTML page head is too overwhelming, especially for "fields" and "local variables", which is just not so interesting. I prefer only listing the most important kinds.
@agentzh The kind of reference can be turned off in ctags
if you don't want to show it in the HTML page. Please review my pull request.
I am a beginner in github. Any suggestions are always welcome.
Hi,agentzh,i like reading,but i encounter the problem in the using the tool.
Specific error:
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ctags: illegal option -- -
usage: ctags [-BFadtuwvx] [-f tagsfile] file ...
processing "." with ctags...
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ctags: illegal option -- -
usage: ctags [-BFadtuwvx] [-f tagsfile] file ...
failed to run command "ctags --exclude='.html' --exclude='.htm' -f ./src2html.tags -n -u --fields=kl -R '.'": 256
I don't know how to solve the problem ^ . ^