
New matplotlib notebook issues

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A few issues in new notebook:

  • perhaps worth adding a link to pooch on pypi as I'm 100% sure at least one student will ask what spot = pooch.create means
  • ax.set_ylim(830, 880) no longer displays any data as depth.min(), depth.max() are (1140.0, 13950.0) when using, the data loaded with numpy '' have a different depth range (as previously)
  • name 'ma' is not defined presumably we need to run ma = np.percentile(vol, 98)
  • reading fname = spot.fetch('F3_horizon.npy') in context manager yields UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x93 in position 0: invalid start byte
  • in scatter = ax.scatter(np.arange(200), hor[200, :200]/0.004, c=attribute[200, :200]), name 'attribute' is not defined
  • in 'Adding decoration' section, the displayed data don't match the selected regions to display

I'm dropping these here so as not to loose track of them.
If I understand how we use kosu correctly, any corrections should be done in a local copy of geocomputing in the develop branch, then after testing, these changes should be merged to master so that the Github Action can then push these changes to S3?

I'm not certain we'll be using this notebook in the next classes, but I remember now I did leave it in a half-baked state when we changed the seismic data.

Ah ok, I thought we were as it's listed in geocomp.yaml in the curriculum section, day 4.