Potential For Double Voting
frerghost opened this issue · 3 comments
WordPress v6.2.2 CiviCRM v5.63.2
In the instant case, we have a Board of Directors whom total 7. We are green across the dashboard. It operates as expected through the Nomination cycle. As the screenshot demonstrates, though, it gives the option to Nominate again. I did verify that it allows such to be submitted at least to the screen where you would submit again with all the fields and dropdowns. I didn't want to compromise the election so I simply did not execute a second submission. In fact, using WP User Switch, I can resubmit through any valid Board Member. I am the only Admin and it happens with me, as well, ergo I presume it is a bug.
This is the screenshot documenting it: https://imgur.com/a/VFzLvJ8
@frerghost you can nominate as many times as you want. There is no limit on nominations, which is distinctly different to voting.
Very good. I appreciate the information and clarification. Please consider the matter closed. Great Extension, by the way!
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