
confusing licence statement / dual licence

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Sure, a licence expert (which simply 9 out of 10 users/developers are not) might figure out we're talking BSD/GPL conform licence here

The other 9 are probably confused or even worse, scared away ... I'd recommend using one licence and explicitely state so. GPLv3 for example. Then put the standard Licence Text into the LICENCE file ... happy users, happy developers. Happy growing django-socialauth.

No LIcense geek here either. :)

I am actually open to providing Socialauth under any FOSS license, I just relased it under a license which I was trying to play with that day. I dont want to remove a license which we originally released, so if you think this license is confusing, I think I can add another say MIT, license to it.


I suggest GPLv3.

marking as resolved until new release

GPLv3'ed 75f36d2