Make it more obvious that GEMINI is released under CC-BY
PeterParslow opened this issue · 8 comments
At present, the way GEMINI is licenced is only mentioned in two places (that I can find): - the "versionless" home page; that's actually incorrect: CC-BY only applies from 2015 GEMINI 2.2 - which I guess is "officially" the first page of GEMINI, but it's no longer the one people are likely to read first!
Suggestion, add the CC-BY attribution to the bottom of each GEMINI 2.3 page, and move it to the GEMINI 2.2 & 2.3 paragraphs of the "versionless" home page.
This came up while presenting GEMINI to the Open Standards Board.
@PeterParslow Happy to request a change to the wording of to clarify the licensing of Gemini and also to point people to GitHub. Do we also need to add something to
The change at would either be quite subtle, or reflect a policy decision by AGI. The reason I say this is that it is only GEMINI 2.3 which has been released under CC-BY. Previous versions were released under AGI copyright terms (not in my opinion much different).
I guess it would be useful to add a little to the WG description at Perhaps add "The group works at" or some such.
How about we go for something like:
UK GEMINI (Geo-spatial Metadata Interoperability Initiative) is a set of metadata elements for describing geospatial data resources. The current version, Gemini 2.3, is provided free of charge by the AGI for the benefit of the GI community, under a Creative Commons license (CC-BY). It is maintained by AGI's GEMINI Working Group who can be contacted at
Which version of CC-BY is Gemini licensed under?
AGI Council made the decision in March 2015. I'm not sure how detailed that decision was. specifies CC-BY 4.0, which appears to still be the current version.
I see that the new AGI website states that GEMINI 2.3 is released under CC-BY 4.0
#156 should resolve this
Confirm fixed on dev branch