
Bug/Feature: If two directories have the same score for a query, the one that matches most should win

zachriggle opened this issue · 3 comments

Since I've written a script that does zshz --add $PWD for all of the source code repos I have to engage with, and set ZSHZ_MAX_SCORE=0, zshz has been better than ever.

However, it has the unfortunate side-effect of moving me to the wrong directory sometimes.

Consider the following:

$ z -l fizzbuzz
1          /Users/zachriggle/src/project/fizzbuzzservices
1          /Users/zachriggle/src/project/fizzbuzz1
1          /Users/zachriggle/src/project/fizzbuzzkext

The current code will cd into fizzbuzzkext. I think that fizzbuzz1 should win here, given that it has the most matching characters.

I expect in most cases, "the most matching characters" will end up being the shortest ${dirname:t}, so that can probably be used as a proxy.

it has the most matching characters.

Wouldn't it be fair to say that the three examples have an equal number of matching characters, and that the one you want has the fewest extraneous characters?

OK. I'll see what I can do.