
Info: Ranger plugin

rc2dev opened this issue ยท 5 comments

First of all, thanks for this great tool.

I just switched from zoxide and missed a plugin for ranger. So I started to put one together here. Feel free to comment and suggest improvements.

Best regards.

Good to hear from you! I don't use ranger, but I remember trying it a while back and being impressed. There was another person who developed a plugin for zsh-z; you can find it here (we discussed it in issue #55). I don't have time to play around with either this week, but perhaps you can tell me how the two plugins compare? Thanks!

Hi Alexandros,

Good to hear from you.

I'm aware of the plugin you mentioned, but it seems to have dropped zsh-z support. The README now only mentions rupa/z, and when trying to use it with zsh-z it throws an error (as it calls _z instead of zshz).

As for other differences, for now my plugin has these extra features:

  • Automatically adds the directories you visit in ranger to zsh-z database.
  • Tab completion (:z foo<TAB>).
  • Some error handling in case zsh-z is not found.

Best regards. :)

That sounds great. In about a week I'll be finished with a big project, and then I'll give your plugin a try.

I just switched from zoxide

Hi @rc2dev , can you say why? I'm exploring these plugins. Tks!

Hi @mhagnumdw,

At that time (as I remember) my reasons were mainly:

  • Version. Some distros shipped older versions of Zoxide that missed important features to me. So on some of my devices I had to compile zoxide manually with cargo to be usable. On other hand, zsh-z would have the exact same version on each of my machines, with no hassle.

  • Organization. The zsh-z installation could be done directly by my zsh plugin manager, together with the other plugins I used. This was neater than having to install the zoxide package on each system. It also made sense as I considered zsh-z part of my shell experience, and just deploying my dotfiles would take care of installing it.

Having said that, I've gone back to zoxide for the following reasons:

  • I'm also using Bash on some machines, and zoxide works on both Zsh and Bash.
  • Zoxide version is not a problem anymore (for me).
  • I dropped most zsh plugins (now I mostly use a theme plugin) and I don't use a plugin manager anymore.

I hope this helps you!