
Machine arm64 not supported by this plugin

nicolastakashi opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to use this plugin on a Macbook Pro M1 but unfortunately, it's not working, I installed it using zsh plugin and I'm getting the following issue:

 [zsh-z-plugin] #############################################
 [zsh-z-plugin] Installing z...
 [zsh-z-plugin] -> creating z home dir : /Users/ntakashi/._z/
 [zsh-z-plugin] -> retrieve last version of z...
 [zsh-z-plugin] Machine arm64 not supported by this plugin
 [zsh-z-plugin] Install KO
 [zsh-z-plugin] #############################################

Is there any way to support ARM processors?

I’m not familiar with that installer at all. When something says “Installing z….” I’m not even convinced that my Zsh-z plugin is being referred to; it could be the original rupa/z.

Could you let me know what command you’re using to get the installation started? That might help me to identify what is going on.

You might also want to simply clone and

source /path/to/zsh-z.plugin.zsh

just to confirm that the script works for you. Zsh-z has no binary element whatsoever; it should work on any computer that runs Zsh, even 12-year-old versions of Zsh….

Did you get it working?