
Completion doesn't work

Closed this issue · 7 comments

For me completion with z doesn't seem to work. To make sure that the error is not in my ~.zshrc I started zsh via zsh -f then I did source ~/bin/zsh-z.plugin.zsh and autoload -U compinit && compinit. However pressing z foo and then TAB doesn't complete a path containing foo (making sure by executing z that there are actually pathes containing foo in the list). What did I do wrong?

Could you post your whole .zshrc? It will be easier for me to figure out what's going wrong that way. Thanks!

(When I run

zsh -f
source /path/to/zsh-z.plugin.zsh
autoload -U compinit && compinit

tab completion does work for me.)

I thought using zsh in fast doesn't load the .zshrc. Nevertheless if I strip down the .zshrc to the following and using zsh (not zsh -f) directly, it doesn't work too:

source ~/bin/zsh-z.plugin.zsh

autoload -U compinit

zstyle ':completion:*' menu select

Do you need some other information?

Do you have a _zshz file in the same directory as zsh-z.plugin.zsh? That's vitally important.

No, I don't.

No, I don't.

OK, that's the entire problem. Download that and put it in the same directory as zsh-z.plugin.zsh and everything should work.

I see that I omitted to mention the importance of having that file in my instructions. I'll update those immediately. Thanks for helping me to improve Zsh-z!

Now it works. Thanks!