
Directly cd in $HOME when no arguments passed

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I wanted to replace cd with z, but there this feature in cd that when no arguments are passed, it changes directory to the home one. z instead will display the list of directories in the database. How can I obtain the same behaviour of cd in z?

Cd behaviour

-> cd


z behaviour

-> z


z configuration

I use the zsh

ZSHZ_DATA = '~/.z'

For completion:
compdef _zsh ${ZSHZ_CMD:-${_Z_CMD:-z}}

I would not recommend using cd to invoke Zsh-z, as the commands do very different things -- cd takes very specific instructions and no guesswork is involved, whereas Zsh-z takes vague and abbreviated instructions and a fair amount of guesswork is involved. The two commands also have very different command-line options. One is not a drop-in replacement for the other.

That said, if you really want to change Zsh-z's behavior so that typing merely z takes you to $HOME, you could add in your .zshrc, underneath where you load or source Zsh-z, something like

unalias z
z() { [[ -z $* ]] && cd || zshz $@ 2>&1; }
