
Add support for roll over by date

Closed this issue · 4 comments

So far Iog to file can only be conditioned on max-lines or max-bytes, but sometimes daily rotation is more appreciated.

In logrotate there are also options for daily/weekly/monthly.

So maybe consider adding daily roll over?

I actually wanted to keep this tool with minimal features. Adding time based rotation is certainly possible but I will have to see about it. For now, if you can get an approx idea of how many lines your app is generating in a single day, maybe you can put that no. in the max_lines variable. I know its a hack, but its something.

Does this work for you ?

Thanks for clarify, that makes sense. I will try to implement my own roll-over condition if strict daily requirement is needed then.

@ShevaXu, did you implement this? I was looking for date-based file rolling too...

No, I use logrotate as an external tool for file rolling. It works quite well.