
support stream to bleve

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Just a pure golang alternative to elastic.
It also means you could index client side in the agent if you wanted to of course.

You can bring up a huge cluster by just denting to S3 or NATS and then let the server side bleve do the indexing and searching also.

It's very easy to get this going to replace elastic since it's just logs.

If you want a sample I can point you to some as others have written log indexers for bless e already

Umm.. this tool is just a pluggable log-router. The log destination depends on what the user will configure. If an user has elastic search setup, then he/she needs to stream to elastic. One cannot just remove elastic as a target.

If you are asking to add bleve support, then it's a different issue.

Perhaps I have misunderstood something ?

Since you put it that way then yes I am suggesting adding bleve as a provider.

Currently I use the blast GitHub project to cluster bleve.
From the examples you can see how easy it is.

This allows you to log over GRPC and then it's placed on the cluster in a HA setup.
Bleve can both store the log and index it btw.

The reason I tend to use bleve is because it golang and so less to worry about but also because you can run bleve anyway. In a mobile, on a website. It allows all my edge devices to store and forward the log

Ok. Just curious though - are you currently using funnel and would like to stream to bleve ? Or is this something that you would like funnel to be able to do ?

something i would like it to do :)