
Add Matcher withTag(tagValue)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello, thanks for your library.
Can you add function for find views by it tag, for better testing-developer experince :))

For now, if you want find view by tag you need write code like this:

val tagValue: Any = "tag"
val view = KView { withMatcher(ViewMatchers.withTagValue(Matchers.`is`(tagValue))) }  

It would be great to reduce this code to:

val tagValue: Any = "tag"
val view = KView { withTag(tagValue) }  


Hi there! Thanks for your request.
I will try to implement it in the following hours.
It is funny that we haven't though of porting this matcher to Kakao.

Matcher is added and already merged to master!
Happy testing!