
hasDrawable doesn't work when ImageView has android:tint

tdekoning opened this issue · 14 comments

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a layout with an
<ImageView android:src="R.drawable.my_icon" android:tint="R.color.white" android:layout_width="40dp" android:layout_height="40dp"/>
  1. Create a test that uses hasDrawable(R.drawable.my_icon)

Observed Results:

The method hasDrawable does not see the drawables as equal

Expected Results:

I expected the drawables to be equal, or provide a way to add the expected tint with the hasDrawable call

Possible workaround:

If i would comment out lines 86 until 88 (the canvas drawing) in DrawableMatcher.kt the comparing works, but i'm not sure if that will break anything.

Hi there! Thanks for reaching out.
Unfortunately, we do not support tinting matching at the moment. But you can submit a PR and extend the functionality of DrawableMatcher by checking if the target view has tint and applying it to the canvas that is being asserted.

Thanks for the tip, i'll see what i can do!

Vacxe commented

@tdekoning I think that this improvement can help you. Also, thank for let us know about this lack!


@Vacxe Thanks for the change and the quick response!

@Vacxe I've tried to test the code from your pull request, but it doesn't seem to work.
In my case i'm setting the android:tint and the (vector) drawable using android:src. The call bitmap.sameAs(otherBitmap) returns false and if i inspect the generated bitmaps, they aren't the same. It looks like an anti-alias or scaling issue.

I've tried to fix the issue myself, but i guess i do not understand imageview rendering well enough. Can you look into it?

Vacxe commented

@tdekoning sure, I'll try

Vacxe commented

@tdekoning BTW, does it work without tint? Just wanna find any clue.

@Vacxe I've just checked my tests and it seems that the tint checking works in some cases.
As far as i can see, if the android:width and android:height of the <vector> node in the drawable is lower than the dimensions of the ImageView with padding, the test will fail.

For example, take this vector:

<vector xmlns:android=""
        android:pathData="M16.3892,18L0.6068,18C0.2715,18 0,17.7313 0,17.3994L0,7.389C0,7.2148 0.0761,7.0494 0.2092,6.9357L8.1068,0.1474C8.3285,-0.044 8.6574,-0.0496 8.886,0.1338L12.4437,3.143L12.8519,3.4697C13.0396,3.6199 13.2419,3.7348 13.2755,3.9522C13.3208,4.2413 13.2034,5.0672 13.1562,5.2047C13.1089,5.3422 12.8782,5.186 12.8519,5.1652L11.6807,4.2756L8.5,1.8124L1.41,7.6629L1.41,16.6014L15.58,16.6014L15.58,10.8566L15.58,10.2432C15.58,10.21 15.6481,9.9985 15.8972,10.0847C16.1463,10.171 16.6845,10.4912 16.8835,10.7078C17.0328,10.8703 16.996,11.0982 16.996,11.3372C16.996,11.3372 16.996,11.4562 16.996,10.4562L16.996,17.3994C16.996,17.7313 16.7245,18 16.3892,18ZM17.457,2.536C17.5827,2.7842 17.8673,3.1864 17.9192,3.4933C17.958,3.7234 17.7894,3.9048 17.6471,4.1173L14.0763,9.4541C13.8428,9.8031 13.3286,9.8438 13.0393,9.5329L10.6259,6.9304C10.4987,6.8158 10.4987,6.6465 10.7161,6.6465C10.9335,6.6465 11.6337,6.6158 11.9525,6.6465C12.1916,6.6697 12.3295,6.8748 12.505,7.0635L13.4381,8.0642L17.1428,2.4716C17.1628,2.442 17.3313,2.2879 17.457,2.536Z"
        android:fillColor="#ED8C00" />

If i would place this vector in the following ImageViews, the tests succeed:


However, if i would place it in the following ImageView, the test would fail:


We are also seeing assertion failures on various, but not all, devices (with various dpi) when using an android:width and android:height that matches the ImageView. Increasing that android:width and android:height in the <vector> node to like 2x the ImageView dimensions seem to resolve that. So my guess is that there is a scaling issue somewhere.

@Vacxe is above enough information to trace the issue?

Vacxe commented

@tdekoning not yet. also with vector setup not sure that is possible. Let figure out how we can do it.

Vacxe commented

@tdekoning should be fixed. Could u test it or we can close ticket?

@Vacxe thanks!
We will test this next week, i will get back to you to report the results

Vacxe commented

@tdekoning can I close the ticket?

Sure, close it 👍