Fails out of the box with error 0x80070002
rktect opened this issue · 22 comments
I believe typically this is a file not found error - but I'm getting this running this sample:
module.js:672 return process.dlopen(module, path._makeLong(filename)); ^ Error: Call to coreclr_create_delegate() for G failed with a return code of 0x80070002. at Object.Module._extensions..node (module.js:672:18) at Module.load (module.js:556:32) at tryModuleLoad (module.js:499:12) at Function.Module._load (module.js:491:3) at Module.require (module.js:587:17) at require (internal/module.js:11:18) at Object.<anonymous> (D:\dev\code\edge-js-quick-start-master\edge-js-quick-start-master\node_modules\edge-js\lib\edge.js:53:8) at Module._compile (module.js:643:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:654:10) at Module.load (module.js:556:32)
Any ideas how to resolve this?
If I comment out the line:
process.env.EDGE_APP_ROOT = baseNetAppPath;
then I get past the above problem. But then is has a problem finding the ExternalLibrary reference:
return edge.initializeClrFunc(options); ^ Error: Could not load file or assembly 'ExternalLibrary, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. The system cannot find the file specified. at Object.exports.func (d:\dev\code\edge-js-quick-start-master\edge-js-quick-start-master\node_modules\edge-js\lib\edge.js:178:17) at Object.<anonymous> (d:\dev\code\edge-js-quick-start-master\edge-js-quick-start-master\main.js:30:22) at Module._compile (module.js:643:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:654:10) at Module.load (module.js:556:32) at tryModuleLoad (module.js:499:12) at Function.Module._load (module.js:491:3) at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:684:10) at startup (bootstrap_node.js:187:16) at bootstrap_node.js:608:3
Progress but still not there.
BTW I'm stuck on a similar problem with a custom library I've made. Just can't get it to reference it properly.
Note I tried manually setting the reference:
var getAppDomainDirectory = edge.func({ assemblyFile: baseDll, typeName: 'QuickStart.Core.LocalMethods', methodName: 'GetAppDomainDirectory', references: [ ("D:/dev/code/edge-js-quick-start-master/edge-js-quick-start-master/src/ExternalLibrary/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/ExternalLibrary.dll") ] });
I'm having this exact same issue.
This appears to be OS specific. Works fine on Win 10 but fails on Win 7, likely fails on other Windows flavours as well. It will take me some time to resolve.
I'm using Windows 10.
I cannot reproduce it on Win 10.
There was an error in QuickStart.Core project reference caused by edge-js
package update.
Please pull latest quick-start and rebuild .NET solution
Thanks for looking into this - it is very much appreciated!
I pulled the latest from github and re-compiled - and still get the same errors as above.
module.js:672 return process.dlopen(module, path._makeLong(filename)); ^ Error: Call to coreclr_create_delegate() for G failed with a return code of 0x80070002. at Object.Module._extensions..node (module.js:672:18) at Module.load (module.js:556:32) at tryModuleLoad (module.js:499:12) at Function.Module._load (module.js:491:3) at Module.require (module.js:587:17) at require (internal/module.js:11:18) at Object.<anonymous> (d:\dev\edge-js\edge-js-quick-start\node_modules\edge-js\lib\edge.js:53:8) at Module._compile (module.js:643:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:654:10) at Module.load (module.js:556:32)
With EDGE_APP_ROOT commented out:
d:\dev\edge-js\edge-js-quick-start\node_modules\edge-js\lib\edge.js:178 return edge.initializeClrFunc(options); ^ Error: Could not load file or assembly 'ExternalLibrary, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. The system cannot find the file specified. at Object.exports.func (d:\dev\edge-js\edge-js-quick-start\node_modules\edge-js\lib\edge.js:178:17) at Object.<anonymous> (d:\dev\edge-js\edge-js-quick-start\main.js:30:22) at Module._compile (module.js:643:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:654:10) at Module.load (module.js:556:32) at tryModuleLoad (module.js:499:12) at Function.Module._load (module.js:491:3) at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:684:10) at startup (bootstrap_node.js:187:16) at bootstrap_node.js:608:3
I did manage to get my custom DLL reference working (I was missing adding the EdgeJs nuget package in my library). Things are working perfectly for me on Windows 10. Now I'm having issues getting the same code running on OSX and Linux (I need all 3 platforms) - I'm thinking this may be caused by the wrong version of nodejs or .net core installed. If I can't figure it out I'll open another issue. Any advice would be really helpful.
Thanks again and have a great day!
You do not need Edge nuget package when you script from Node.js to CLR.
After you pulled latest for the repo and recompiled you should have EdgeJs.dll in your output directory, thats the only thing that was missing and causing problems.
This is strange - I do see the EdgeJs.dll in the specified path, but Visual Studio 2017 shows the yellow warning triangle on the assembly dependency reference.
DLL is correctly found in:
I'll see what I can figure out on my end...
Re: adding nuget package - good to know. In my custom library I am scripting from CLR to Node.js, so I believe I do need the package in my library. Seems to work well now (on Windows).
Take a look at readme for Edge.js, scripting Node.js from CLR only supported using .NET Framework.
I did read that. Does this include the CLR calling a nodejs callback passed in as an argument? Similar to this example:
Here is my javascript:
const start = edge.func({
assemblyFile: baseDll,
typeName: 'My.EdgeJsWrapper',
methodName: 'Invoke',
references: [
var payload = {
param1: 1234,
myfunction: function (data, callback) {
console.log('myfunction called ' + data);
callback(null, 1);
start(payload, function (error, result) {
if (error) throw error;
And c#:
public async Task<object> Invoke(dynamic input)
var myFunction = (Func<object, Task<object>>)input.myfunction;
var result = (int)await myFunction("success");
return $"successful CLR call {result}";
Is this a supported scenario? I had it working on OSX at one point - but I'm not able to get it running again now. I think I made a mistake upgrading my nodejs/npm versions and now I can't reverse it.
Also, in my case I am storing a reference to the nodejs callback 'myFunction', and calling it when certain events occur in the CLR.
Scripting Node.js from CLR refers to C# code using Edge.js nuget package to access Edge functions, dont think it applies in your case, so you should not need a nuget package at all.
I would suggest to pull fresh copy of edge-js-quick-start
repo and try running it following the instructions, once you have it working then try adding your dlls. Make sure is correct for your build.
Fantastic! Thanks for all your help. I'll try what you suggested and see what I can get working.
I still get the error upon require even in a newly downloaded edge-js-quick-start. If I comment out the EDGE_APP_ROOT line, the error goes away on require but it can't see the external library.
Edit: I tried it again and it's working in the quick start. Still doesn't work with my project though. Do I need to include Nodejs.dll in the build configs for my C# project?
Alright, I figured it out. For anyone else coming across this, in order to make your own dll work without building it with EdgeJS, run the quick start and copy the following files into your EDGE_APP_ROOT directory:
- EdgeJs.dll
- Microsoft.DotNet.InternalAbstractions.dll
- Newtonsoft.Json.dll
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.dll
EdgeJs.dll is part of the project and is added to output folder automatically. All of the dlls you listed are dependencies of QuickStart.Core.csproj project and also copied automatically.
Edit: I tried it again and it's working in the quick start. Still doesn't work with my project though. Do I need to include Nodejs.dll in the build configs for my C# project?
The purpose of quick start is to show how to configure your project so all the dlls are in place, take a look at QuickStart.Core.csproj and use the same reference structure in your project.
@agracio I am getting the same error Call to coreclr_create_delegate() for G failed with a return code of 0x80070002.
however I only get it when I used electron-packager with asar set to true
. If I set asar to false
then the application runs just fine. I wonder if it just can't find the file because it's archived in the asar file?
Edge.js cannot read paths from asar archive.
You should set all Edge.js assets as externals, and not include them as part of asar archive. You will have to add them as a separate item in your distribution.
Also take a look at this issue: agracio/electron-edge-js#21
I also see this issue out of the box on Windows 10 LTSC build 1809.