
Uncaught error increasing in seconds

d0h000n opened this issue · 0 comments

g++13, c++17, vs code

I've been using it well for a long time, but I recently discovered that the cph is dead when a runtime error occurs.
It wasn't long before severe levels of overheating occurred frequently, and now, regardless of runtime errors, I've reached a level where I overheated and slowed down the whole time just by using vs code.

I found a screen that is believed to be the cause of the above issue:

스크린샷 2023-11-02 오후 10 09 01

Uncaught error occurs every second.

The above screen can be checked by going to Extensions > Show Running Extensions.

I've been going around and for the last month since the problem occurred. Please help me :(

Extension Version: v5.13.0

VS Code Version: 1.83.1 (Universal)

Browser Version:

Operating System: Ventura 13.3.1 (a)