Utilize "Open" Data
Closed this issue · 10 comments
The tool utilizes SGID10 data layers. As SGID10 is deprecated, the tool will need to read data from OpenSGID or Open Data.
User attempted to run the tool with opensgid and open data layers, the order of operations for that test was:
- Received Greg's email about future SGID10 deprecation
- Connected to Open SGID in Pro project
- Added layers necessary for the Tank Risk Assessment tool
- Utah Soils layer is not in the Open SGID, so left that layer out
- Ran the tool
- Tool failed with the following errors:
- Contacted AGRC about a) possibility of getting Utah Soils in OpenSGID and b) updating the tool to work with one or the other of the "open" offerings (database or open data services).
- Added Open Data services to Pro project for each layer needed to run the tool.
- Renamed each layer to the expected list of layers.
- Ran the tool and received the following error message:
The fact that Utah Soils is in Open Data but not OpenSGID may influence a decision.
/remind me about this on October 1, 2020
@nathankota set a reminder for Oct 1st 2020
👋 @nathankota, about this
/remind me on October 15, 2020
@nathankota set a reminder for Oct 15th 2020
What's going on here?
Eventual switch to Open SGID and/or Open Data sources for the DEQ Tank Risk Tool, some time before SGID10 is deprecated.
Data layers utilized in the Tank Risk Assessor tool:
Open Data layers:
Rick replaced all of the SGID10 layers with Open Data services and the tool ran successfully. He had to rename all of the layers to match the SGID10 layer names. I will create a new issue for the tool to recognize the Open Data service names.