
SGID Layer Naming Convention

Closed this issue · 3 comments

In preparation for the the deprecation of SGID10 the tool was tested and successful when utilizing Open Data services. However, all SGID layers had to be renamed to match the SGID10 naming convention. Allow the tool to recognize the Open Data service names.

Open Data Layers:

SGID10 Layers:

Successfully ran the tool using SGID10 layers in 33 minutes 45 seconds over vpn. Removed SGID10 layers; added each layers' Open Data service; renamed each service as the SGID10 layer name in the Pro table of contents; and successfully ran the tool in 52 minutes 27 seconds. There was one additional record in the second run of the tool, possibly due to an additional Facility UST record.

The tool has been refactored to work with Open SGID or Open Data layers and it has been tested and confirmed that it produces the expected output.
