GroundWaterZones - Unknown risk layer
Closed this issue · 4 comments
When I ran the tool this month I am getting an error on the GroundWaterZones. I downloaded a new copy of tool 2.1.6. I also deleted the GroundWaterZones layer and added it back using:
Hopefully this image comes through:
Start Time: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 8:37:08 AM
Version 2.1.6
Unknown risk layer GroundWaterZones
It seems the feature service changed. The tool was expecting the layer to be id 0 and it's now 4.
Line 689 in f08916d

The tool can be updated to match or the service can be republished with the id updated back to 0. dbeck_utahdeq
owns the item if you want to ask them.
I will chat with Deidre and make sure we have the correct service.
The correct service is id 4, as also indicated by the new interactive map's use of it. I'm going to close this issue and open a new one to have the tool updated to use the proper service.
@rsaathoff if you make this change in the tool you've downloaded it will start processing that layer again.