
[Bug]: Frozen during longer geocoding session

Closed this issue ยท 1 comments

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Electron Version


Operating System


What happened?

I started a larger geocoding session and the UI froze after a few minutes. Nothing in the console or network tab.


Steps To Reproduce


Start a geocoding session with the test data above...

Relevant log output

[2021-10-14 16:23:44.834] [info]  feedURL
[2021-10-14 16:23:44.844] [info]  requestHeaders { 'User-Agent': 'update-electron-app/2.0.1 (darwin: x64)' }
[2021-10-14 16:23:45.487] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-14 16:23:45.750] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-14 16:40:42.358] [info]  feedURL
[2021-10-14 16:40:42.364] [info]  requestHeaders { 'User-Agent': 'update-electron-app/2.0.1 (darwin: x64)' }
[2021-10-14 16:40:42.887] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-14 16:40:43.490] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-14 17:01:40.427] [info]  update-electron-app config looks good; aborting updates since app is in development mode
[2021-10-14 17:16:35.737] [info]  feedURL
[2021-10-14 17:16:35.747] [info]  requestHeaders { 'User-Agent': 'update-electron-app/2.0.1 (darwin: x64)' }
[2021-10-14 17:16:36.203] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-14 17:16:36.513] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-14 17:20:56.027] [info]  feedURL
[2021-10-14 17:20:56.030] [info]  requestHeaders { 'User-Agent': 'update-electron-app/2.0.1 (darwin: x64)' }
[2021-10-14 17:20:56.424] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-14 17:20:56.731] [info]  update-available; downloading...
[2021-10-14 17:21:04.506] [info]  update-downloaded [
    preventDefault: '[function] function preventDefault() { [native code] }',
    sender: {
      checkForUpdates: '[function] function checkForUpdates() { [native code] }',
      getFeedURL: '[function] function getFeedURL() { [native code] }',
      setFeedURL: '[function] function setFeedURL() { [native code] }',
      quitAndInstall: '[function] function quitAndInstall() { [native code] }',
      _events: {
        error: '[function] e=>{h("updater error"),h(e)}',
        'checking-for-update': '[function] ()=>{h("checking-for-update")}',
        'update-available': '[function] ()=>{h("update-available; downloading...")}',
        'update-not-available': '[function] ()=>{h("update-not-available")}',
        'update-downloaded': '[function] (e,t,r,s,o)=>{h("update-downloaded",[e,t,r,s,o]);const n={type:"info",buttons:["Restart","Later"],title:"Application Update",message:"win32"===process.platform?t:r,detail:"A new version has been downloaded. Restart the application to apply the updates."};l.showMessageBox(n).then((({response:e})=>{0===e&&c.quitAndInstall()}))}'
      _eventsCount: 5
  "# What's Changed\r\n" +
    '## ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes\r\n' +
    '\r\n' +
    '- add window controls on windows platform @stdavis (#66)\r\n',
  'v1.2.1 ๐ŸŒˆ',
[2021-10-14 17:21:30.568] [info]  feedURL
[2021-10-14 17:21:30.572] [info]  requestHeaders { 'User-Agent': 'update-electron-app/2.0.1 (darwin: x64)' }
[2021-10-14 17:21:30.990] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-14 17:21:31.251] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-14 17:26:30.574] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-14 17:26:30.852] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-15 08:13:49.439] [info]  feedURL
[2021-10-15 08:13:49.448] [info]  requestHeaders { 'User-Agent': 'update-electron-app/2.0.1 (darwin: x64)' }
[2021-10-15 08:13:50.405] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-15 08:13:50.393] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-25 14:25:52.997] [info]  feedURL
[2021-10-25 14:25:53.003] [info]  requestHeaders { 'User-Agent': 'update-electron-app/2.0.1 (darwin: x64)' }
[2021-10-25 14:25:53.510] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-25 14:25:54.251] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-25 14:30:53.006] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-25 14:30:53.302] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-25 14:35:52.977] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-25 14:35:53.275] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-25 14:40:52.968] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-25 14:40:53.262] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-25 14:45:52.961] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-25 14:45:53.538] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-25 14:50:52.932] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-25 14:50:53.224] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-25 14:55:52.927] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-25 14:55:53.203] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-25 15:00:52.919] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-25 15:00:53.212] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-25 15:05:52.891] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-25 15:05:53.191] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-25 15:10:52.879] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-25 15:10:53.177] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-25 15:15:52.871] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-25 15:15:53.139] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-25 15:20:52.845] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-25 15:20:53.436] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-25 15:25:52.837] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-25 15:25:53.112] [info]  update-not-available
[2021-10-25 15:30:52.821] [info]  checking-for-update
[2021-10-25 15:30:53.117] [info]  update-not-available

looks like we need some debug level logging or something as those logs are not very helpful