
Color IR Basemap is from 2011

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Describe the new feature

Replace Color IR layer in basemap selector with more current naip_2018_nrg layer

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Not sure if it is by design that the app uses naip_2011_nrg considering 2011 was a big water year and anywhere water could be is visible in 2011.

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I think we added the 2011 since it was the only thing available at the time. I was not aware of the 2018 update. We can certainly replace it. @stdavis do you have any issue with that?

Nope! I'm sure that we built this before 2018. Updating it sounds like a great idea to me. Thanks, @rkelson!

Not that it matters but there are NRG NAIP services for every year we have NAIP (with one exception). I think it is great to see the Color IR in Atlas; it allows you to see Utah in a whole new way.

Go Team!