RetrieveAll() erroring without specifying cause
Opened this issue · 1 comments
selfagency commented
Here's what I've got:
import consola from 'consola'
import { extract, LetterparserMail } from 'letterparser'
import { Client, YapopleClientConfig } from 'yapople'
const emailService = async (): Promise<LetterparserMail[]> => {
try {
const messageList: LetterparserMail[] = []
if (process.env.EMAIL_ADDRESS && process.env.EMAIL_PASSWORD && process.env.EMAIL_HOST) {
const clientConfig: YapopleClientConfig = {
host: process.env.EMAIL_HOST,
port: 995,
tls: true,
mailparser: false,
username: process.env.EMAIL_ADDRESS,
password: process.env.EMAIL_PASSWORD
const client = new Client(clientConfig)
consola.log(`Connecting to ${process.env.EMAIL_HOST}`)
await client.connect()
const count = await client.count()
consola.log(`${count} messages found on server`)
try {
const msgs = await client.retrieveAll()
msgs.forEach(msg => messageList.push(extract(msg.toString())))
} catch (err) {
consola.log(`Error retrieving messages from server: ${err}`)
consola.log(`Messages parsed: ${messageList.length}`)
await client.quit()
} else {
consola.error('EMAIL_ADDRESS, EMAIL_PASSWORD, and EMAIL_HOST environment variables are required')
return messageList
} catch (error) {
throw error
export default emailService
And here's what's happening:
Connecting to 14:20:47
285 messages found on server 14:20:47
After all, it takes a lot of emotional energy to curate the best
AWS news for you every week. If you think your AWS bill is high,
you should see my therapy invoices.
Living my truth,
P.S. Here=E2=80=99s a hot tip for keeping yourself comfy at re:Invent (
). Don=E2=80=99t say it came from me.
What'd you think of this email?
=F0=9F=91=8E (
=F0=9F=91=8D (
I=E2=80=99m Corey Quinn
I help companies address their horrifying AWS bills
by both reducing the dollars spent and help
at Client.onData (node_modules/yapople/lib/yapople.js:108:19)
at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:375:28)
at addChunk (internal/streams/readable.js:290:12)
at readableAddChunk (internal/streams/readable.js:265:9)
at TLSSocket.Readable.push (internal/streams/readable.js:204:10)
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:188:23)
Messages parsed: 0 14:20:53
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Emitted 'error' event on TLSSocket instance at:
at TLSSocket._emitTLSError (_tls_wrap.js:892:10)
at TLSWrap.onerror (_tls_wrap.js:416:11)
Once it gets there, it just hangs and never proceeds. As you can see, I've disabled parsing in your library, so that shouldn't be the cause. I'm running Node 14 LTS.