Web app to track income, expenses and analyze spending with responsive design and a backend to provide authentication and persistence.
- Live demo: https://ibudgetapp.netlify.app
Example account
- user: test@test.com
- password: test
- React.js (hooks)
- Rematch (Redux)
- React Router
- Tailwind CSS
- styled-components, twin.macro, Framer Motion
- ant-design charts
- Treact
- wip
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Passport (auth)
- bcrypt
- Joi (data validation)
- API documentation (Postman): https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/13863838/TzCV45Ku
- Modify API_DEV_BASE_URL and API_PROD_BASE_URL in /src/lib/Config.js
- Set the required environment variables:
DB_PORT = 3306
DB_USER = <user>
DB_PASS = <pass>
DB_DATABASE = ibudget
SESSION_SECRET = <session secret>
SESSION_NAME = <session name>
- Edit cors policy URL at src/lib/config.js
- Execute sql script at /backend/database.sql
- XSRF protection (!) or JWT implementation
- API rate limit
- i18next translation files
- Add social auth and forgot password
- Unit tests & stress test
- Profiling
- Optimize bundle size
- More features