This Dapp aims to facilitate the integration with the smart contract responsible for the smooth running of the vote.
- The vote is not secret
- Each voter can see the votes of others
- The winner is determined by a simple majority
- The proposal with the most votes wins
- Ethereum in-memory blockchain (Ganache Version 2.5.4 (GUI or CLI) + Deployment on the Ropsten test network
- Truffle v5.4.18 (core: 5.4.18)
- Solidity v0.8.10 (solc-js)
- Node v15.5.0
- Web3.js v1.6.1
- React v17.0.2
- Jotai v1.4.9 (state management)
The application is based on the Truffle React Box.
The structure of
has been updated to improve the clarity and maintainability of the project :
├── build # Compiled files ready for production.
├── components # Stateless or complete components organized by functionality.
│ ├─── block # The smallest component used on multiple pages
│ ├─── section # Layout-related components
│ ├─── vote-steps # Components dedicated to the voting steps with their own logic.
│ └─── wallet # Wallet related components.
├── constants # Contains enums or fixed values used multiple times in the application.
├─── contracts # Artifacts from the compilation of your contracts
└─── migrations # Migration js files
see Makefile at the root of the project.