
Trajectory has incorrect segments in the beginning

Opened this issue · 2 comments

The videos logged to tensorboard seem fine, but when I plot the trajectories in 2d and 3d, even if the point doesn't move in the first few frames, the trajectories seems to indicate lots of movement in the beginning, so the plots always have an extra segment. Has anyone else observed this?

Thank you for pointing this out. I noticed this too, and it's actually the reason for adding the beautify=True trick for visualizations. I think it has to do with padding in the 1d convolutions. Symmetric or mirror padding, instead of zero padding, might solve it. Can you give this a shot and let me know how it goes? Maybe it will improve performance too. If you are too busy (as I am), we should keep the issue open and I can get to it later.

Thanks for the response! I tried using "reflect" in Conv1dPad but it didn't solve the issue.