
Block appears twice

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I followed the instructions and have placed a block in my content, the same block both for my 2 content types: basic page and article. But on both content types, the same block shows up double, one after the other. Am I missing something?

Drupal Version

Including scr shot from my article content type (teaser display)


This is either a bug or you have the block also enabled in a region using the regular block config. Can you screenshot your full block region config?

The block is disabled so it appears to be a bug. If you still needs a scr shot I will add it later at the day.

Here is a scr shot showing the disabled block:

Ah, OK, I'm reminded that 8.3 switched a different kind of block placement config that ties the block even more closely to a region. I'll take a look to see if anything can be done here--but I think it may be time to pull the plug on this module and develop a new way to attach global content to entities (maybe an "eea" to attach e.g., an Eck entity as an extra field).

Well, would be nice either way to have the ability to place a block in content ...